ITS Purchasing

所有技术硬件和软件的采购必须事先得到ITS的批准. All technology hardware and software purchases will be coordinated through the ITS department.

Types of technology and devices covered and include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • 任何制造商生产的台式电脑
  • 任何制造商生产的笔记本电脑
  • 任何制造商制造的打印机和复印机
  • Monitors made by any manufacturer
  • Tablets made by any manufacturer
  • Technology Leases
  • Purchases of enterprise software, such as Adobe Creative Cloud, Office, or any other piece of software

Our criterion for approval includes, but is not limited to, the following characteristics:

  • Security/Encryption capability: does the device have a trusted platform module chip for hardware-based data encryption. 所有用大学资金购买的设备都必须具有此功能.
  • 保修/制造商支持:设备必须是新的,不是翻新或使用过的.
  • Alignment with department recommendations: does the device meet the College's technical specifications for laptops, desktops, or other technology?
  • Compatibility with central and department information systems: is the device compatible with existing Pomona College systems, networks, and applications?
  • Manufacturer reputation and purchasing policies: does the device come from a reputable manufacturer? Does that manufacturer (or an appropriate channel partner) have a relationship with Pomona College?

重要的是要注意,即使一个项目符合上述特征, 由于其他原因,它仍然可能被禁止. ITS will always provide guidance and work with departments to make purchases that comply with these standards and meet departmental technology needs.

Devices purchased outside these guidelines will not be allowed to connect to Pomona Systems, and IT, unfortunately, cannot support them. Individuals or departments that violate this policy can be subject to additional restrictions and actions as determined by their VP or the finance department.

Equipment purchasing includes information on where and how to purchase technology equipment in compliance with Pomona IT standards.

All software being purchased and downloaded to any Pomona computer equipment requires an agreement to be reviewed by the 技术解决方案评审流程.

如果你住在皇冠体育IT支持的部门, 所有电脑硬件的采购, software audio-visual, 和其他重要的外围设备必须经过我们办公室的批准才能购买. 提交新硬件或软件的订单或获取其中任何一项的报价, please submit a service request.


PC Desktop

Pomona ITS建议使用戴尔的OptiPlex 7000系列来满足桌面计算需求. OptiPlex的具体型号取决于戴尔最新的发布周期, 尽管皇冠体育IT正式支持整个OptiPlex系列台式电脑.

戴尔OptiPlex桌面可以定制为标准和高性能型号. Various form factors of the computer are available depending on your or your department's unique needs. 我们建议使用i7芯片组、16GB RAM和512或1tb存储SSD. 皇冠体育总是为所有戴尔设备购买四年戴尔保修.

PC Laptops

Pomona ITS recommends using Dell's Latitude model line of laptops for mobile computing needs. 14英寸Latitude笔记本电脑的具体型号取决于戴尔最新的发布周期, although Pomona IT officially supports the complete Latitude series of desktop computers. The Latitude series of laptops is also compatible with Pomona's mandatory mobile device encryption requirements.

戴尔Latitude笔记本电脑可以定制标准和高性能型号. Various options, 从显示尺寸到视频输出端口, are also available for configuration depending on your or your department's unique needs. 我们建议使用i7芯片组、16GB RAM和512或1tb SSD存储. 皇冠体育总是为所有戴尔设备购买四年戴尔保修.

MAC Desktops

Pomona ITS建议使用苹果的24英寸iMac来满足台式机的需求. 具体的型号和规格取决于苹果最新的发布周期. 我们建议使用16GB RAM和512或1tb存储SSD. Pomona总是为所有苹果桌面设备购买四年的AppleCare.

MAC Laptops

Pomona ITS建议使用14英寸的苹果MacBook Pro来满足移动计算需求. 具体的型号取决于苹果的发布周期. 我们建议至少有16GB的RAM和512或1tb的存储空间. 皇冠体育总是为所有苹果笔记本电脑购买四年的AppleCare.


我们支持并购买Android、苹果和微软平板电脑. 这些项目的资金通常来自请求部门. 皇冠体育通常会购买至少2年的平板电脑保修期. 如果是Surface,则是四年保修期. The Finance Office will not reimburse or pay for cellular service on any mobile device or tablet.

Recommended Monitors

皇冠体育IT建议使用戴尔UltraSharp显示器. These monitors provide excellent image quality suitable for most desktop applications. The monitors also come in several sizes depending on your or your department's needs.

Recommended Printers and Copiers

皇冠体育ITS建议使用惠普打印机和佳能多功能复印机. 打印机的具体型号和类型取决于部门所需的功能. Pomona IT can recommend a particular printer based on a department's desires for print quality options, color or black and white prints, sizing and space available, the number of intended users, and the estimated printer usage, budget, 以及其他相关的用法或格式因素.

所有佳能复印机的租期都是五年, and all maintenance and toner are included in the department’s monthly lease charges.

Recommended Operating Systems

皇冠体育ITS正式支持Windows 10和Mac OS X. 出于安全目的和软件兼容性, we recommend that new devices come installed with the latest version of Windows or Max OS X. 专门的ITS团队对Linux和其他操作系统有全面的了解.

Hardware Warranty information

所有购买的苹果和戴尔电脑都有四年保修期. If there is an issue with a computing device, please get in touch with the ITS Service Desk. 在ITS人员诊断出问题后, 他们可能会联系制造商安排现场维修, typically in the ITS building.



Full-time and part-time permanent staff positions requiring computers should always consult their supervisor to determine the appropriate platform to meet the office and work needs.

  • New full-time and part-time permanent staff are eligible for a desktop-style computer or a laptop with a docking station, mouse and keyboard, and one 24"Dell monitor.
  • Temporary staff with a limited term of engagement will be issued a computer for their temporary employment.
  • New employees taking over an established position typically inherit their predecessor's computer setup. 招聘部门可能会资助通过ITS购买的新机器.
  • 学生雇员/工人没有资格使用大学发放的电脑. The College will not provide funding for purchasing new machines for student employees. 
  • 招聘部门通常会为新员工的电脑设备提供资金. 购买的设备将加入我们的四年更换周期. 请根据新员工的需求制定相应的预算. 



  • ITS staff will contact new Tenure-Track positions to discuss their computing needs before they arrive on campus. 该讨论可能包括配置细节, 需要额外的显示器或打印机, 并协商研究计算需求.

  • Faculty with appointments and contracts over two years are provided with a new standard computer. 其中包括客座助理教授. 教师可以在苹果和Windows设备之间进行选择.

  • Other faculty whose appointment is less than two years may be provided with good-conditioned repurposed computers upon request.

  • Coaches-Fulltime contracts longer than two years are eligible for new standard computers.

  • Assistant Coaches-Part time coaches are typically not eligible for a Pomona College computer.

  • Lectures, adjuncts, and visiting scholars typically don't receive a Pomona college computer unless their scope of responsibility has changed or expanded.

  • Emeriti faculty can keep their currently issued computer but are not eligible for the standard refresh process after the four-year warranty expires

Student Workers

学生雇员/工人没有资格使用大学发放的电脑. The College will not provide funding for purchasing new machines for student employees. 

Hardware Replacement Lifecycle


Pomona-purchased computers are warranted and eligible for replacement every four years. This replacement eligibility includes desktop and laptop computers issued as employees' primary computers. Secondary computers purchased with department and research funds may not be funded for replacement with ITS funds.



Pomona desktop printers and department printers are the responsibility of the department to fund.



校园里所有的复印机都是佳能公司的五年租约. 如果你的复印机有问题, please put a ticket in with ITS, 但可能会升级到佳能进行维修.

Monitor Replacement

监视器没有定期更换周期. 资金通常来自请求部门.

Secondary Dock Purchasing

ITS将为笔记本电脑用户提供一个基座, but if a second dock is requested, 费用将由提出请求的部门支付

Hardware Disposal and Donation

所有退役设备必须归还ITS. 皇冠体育ITS与克莱蒙特学区合作处理我们使用过的资产. 然后把它们捐给了学区, 这些物品被彻底清除并从库存系统中移除.

We also have an e-waste company that will properly dispose of items damaged or not taken by the school district.